Victoria Recycling Guide—Where Do I Recycle My Stuff?
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As you probably already know, not everything is accepted in the CRD’s blue bins and blue bags. Things like light bulbs, electronics, Styrofoam and paint will be left on the curb on pickup day. So, where do you recycle the things that the CRD won’t pick up? Here’s a list of commonly requested items and where they can be disposed of.
Where to recycle electronics
Televisions, computers, speakers and other electronic equipment shouldn’t be simply put in the trash. Some components are toxic and can seep into groundwater.
If your equipment still works and you’re just replacing it for a better model, consider donating it to a charity or non-profit or selling it online. Reusing is just as important as recycling.

However, if your electronic equipment is broken and not repairable, several places will take them.
The Bottle Depots on Glanford and Queens (not Quadra) will take all electronics, and so will the Island Return It locations in Esquimalt and Sidney. Most of them will also be accepted at Asset Investment Recovery on Glanford. You can also take them directly to the Hartland Recycling Centre.
- Return your old cell phones to Bell World at the Bay Centre or Mayfair Mall.
- Return cameras to any London Drugs location.
- London Drugs will also take computers and monitors.
Where to recycle light bulbs
The CRD bins won’t take light bulbs. You can take them to:
- Bottle Depot locations
- Ellice Recycle
- Alpine Disposal & Recycling
- Home Hardware on Burnside, in Sidney and in Sooke
- Island Return It locations
- London Drugs locations
- reFUSE
Where to recycle styrofoam
Styrofoam is not easy to recycle, so do your best not to purchase products that use Styrofoam packaging. However, when you do end up with some, here’s where you can take it:
- Ellice Recycle
- Hartland Recycling Centre
- Carnarvon Park Recycling Depot
- reFUSE on Government Street
- South Jubilee Plastic Recycle
- Bottle Depot locations
Not all these facilities accept all types of Styrofoam, so do call ahead before making the trip.
Where to recycle batteries
To help reduce the need for battery recycling, buy rechargeable batteries. However, even they can run out of juice after a while, so here’s where you can take batteries (both rechargeable and otherwise) for proper disposal.
- Bottle Depot locations
- All Battery
- Battery Direct
- Battery Doctors
- Canadian Tire locations
- Ellice Recycle
- Future Shop locations
- Greater Victoria Public Libraries
- Hartland Recycling Centre
- Island Return It locations
- London Drugs locations
- Home Depot locations
Where to recycle paint
Paint is considered hazardous waste, so you can’t just dump it in the sewers. To dispose of paint, take it to one of the following facilities:
- A&P Disposal & Recycling
- Alpine Disposal & Recycling
- Ellice Recycle
- Hartland Recycling Centre
- Island Return It in Sidney
Where to recycle clothes hangers
Clothes hangers are recyclable, but the CRD blue boxes won’t take them. There are several uses to old hangers around the house, but if you must get rid of them, you can take them to:
- Ellice Recycle
- H.L. Disposal
- Hartland Recycling Centre
Where to recycle clothing
Sometimes we need to clean up our wardrobes and get rid of clothes that are too small, too big or out of style. But before throwing them away, consider repurposing clothing to other uses or having them tailored to new styles. You can also donate clothing to:
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Salvation Army
- WIN Thrift Stores
Old clothing that is too dirty or old to be worn again can be used as cleaning rags around the house, pieces for craft projects or practice fabric for the sewing machine.
Where to recylce mattresses and box springs
Don’t leave your old mattress and box spring for the garbage truck to pick up. It’ll stay there a long time. Ellice Recycle will take them for a fee, and you can also bring them to the Hartland Recycling Centre.
Where to recycle small appliances
Often large appliances are taken away by the company you bought your new ones from, and if not you are likely to take care of disposing it properly, as they wont likely take it on garbage day… But because people don’t know what to do with small appliances they often end up in the landfill. Good news is you can recycle your vaccuum, toaster, microwave, hairdryer, power tools, and more at locations throughout Victoria.
- Island Return It – Esquimalt and Sidney locations
- Bottle Depot – Glanford and Queens locations
These are only a few of the items that can be recycled in Victoria. You can always bring your items to the proper facilities, but if you want to save yourself a trip, Haul a Day Junk Removal can take many items off your hands and bring them to the right place. Here’s a list of what we take!
Recycling Locations:
Bottle Depot Locations
4261 Glanford Ave
655 Queens Ave
3961 Quadra St
Island Return It Locations
935 Ellery St #5-10025 Galaran Rd
Other Recycle Locations
Ellice Recycle – 524 David St
ReFuse – 2111 Government St
Hartland Recycling – 1 Hartland Ave
Alpine Returnit Centre – 1045 Dunford Avenue